
On the Greyhound from Cincinnati to Detroit...

Before I head out for the night, here's an entry from a bus:

December 9th, 2006

Got the option contract from Collingwood. It looks okay except for this whole “GRANT OF RIGHTS” section. It basically gives them complete and ultimate control of every single character, medium, and brain imagination somewhat related to This is What We Call Home. This stipulation includes radio plays, commercials, sequels, and toothpaste endorsements. I’m having a lawyer look at the contract and plan on telling Collingwood to cut out the “GRANT OF RIGHTS” section.

I turn 24 tomorrow. The big two dozen. Not sure how I feel about that. I’m not bald or grey. I’m in relatively good shape. I’m close to becoming a professional writer. I’m going to take a nap and think about where the next month is going to take me.

Neil met Peter Krause in Whistler and he’s interested in reading Northbridge. I’ll have to check out some episodes of Six Feet Under. I think Northbridge is going to be pretty kick ass once I get done with this next draft. I would love to get Jeff Daniels in on it. I think I’ll send his agent a query letter and see if he’ll read it.

Everyone should listen to Jackson Browne and Tribalistas. At the same time.